GFWC/Miosac Club news
DOVER-FOXCROFT — “Going once, going twice, sold!,” shouted Auctioneer Suzanne Raymond as members bid on beautifully wrapped packages at a recent meeting of the GFWC/Miosac Club. Everyone hoped to get a treasure and we raised a lot of money for the educational fund and had fun doing it.
President Wendy Hutchins called the meeting to order. Kathy Ryder led the collect, Pledge of Allegiance, and American’s Creed. Roll call was taken with 10 members answering. Other reports were given. Corresponding Secretary Roxy McGlauflin read a thank you note from Rheba Michaud and family for her beautiful bouquet she received on the passing of husband.
Advisory Committee Chair McGlauflin announced the next meeting will be Feb. 4 with Kathy Ryder as program chair and Anne Cress and Vicki Moschella as hostesses.
Raymond reported that our community directories were ready and being delivered to businesses. We thank all the businesses and Pam at Foxcroft Printing for doing such a wonderful job for us.
It was reported that over 100 goody bags were donated to the food cupboard for children at Christmas.
Raymond also gave the invitation for GFWC members to attend the Mariners game in Portland on Feb. 8. Club members will be honored and may also be involved in a panel discussion regarding girls sports. We are hoping many members around the state will be able to attend. Many Miosac members hope to be able to attend..
Diane Leighton reported on the high school scholarships and noted that two young ladies are recipients. Iris Stutzman, granddaughter of Michaud, and former member Lorna Holman’s daughter.
Minnie McCormick read the letter she received in 1986 when she was invited to join Miosac Club. Our dear Marion Doore wrote the letter and Louise Smith was president. The invitation was eagerly accepted! She has served on many committees since then and been president three times.
The meeting was adjourned, refreshments were enjoyed, and then the bidding began. A really fun time and raising money as well!