Greenville’s $25,000 remaining ARPA funds obligated for roads
GREENVILLE — The last $25,000 in American Rescue Plan Act funds for the town of Greenville will be obligated
for road maintenance and construction. The select board passed a motion for this during a meeting on Dec. 18, just under two weeks before the deadline at the end of the year.
Town Manager Mike Roy said the funds were left over because in 2022 the select board approved setting aside $25,000 for the matching requirement of a broadband grant that did not materialize.
“I would like to see something that can offset taxes,” he said about his hope for the $25,000. Road work and sidewalk improvements were mentioned as examples. Specific projects can be determined in the future, as long as the money was obligated before the end of 2024
“Anytime that we receive an opportunity like this I think we have an obligation to try to hold the line,” Select Chair Geno Murray said about keeping expenses down.
One project that will need to be funded is an expansion of the town vault, which is not part of the current budget and would need to be part of 2025-26’s. Per Department of Treasury rules, ARPA funds can only go toward goods or services that towns would be under contract with.
Town Clerk Tammy Firman said municipalities have a list of what documents need to be kept and for how many years.
“Anything that relates to property or tax you have to keep forever,” she said. Firman said the state allows some documents to be stored on microfiche, but Greenville does not have this capability.
The town clerk said a portion of the records are kept across the street in the public safety building, but some of these documents can’t be pulled in a timely fashion at the current time.
In other business, Firman said she received a resignation letter from recreation committee member Kate Perkins, who cited having too many obligations as her reason for stepping down.
The committee volunteer position is now being advertised on the town website at https://greenvilleme.gov/ and on the bulletin board. Those interested would apply, the applications would be reviewed by Recreation Director Sally Tournquist, and then go to the select board for approval.
Firman said that per state law, the select board needs to appoint the registrar of voters for every odd-numbered year. Office Manager, Deputy Clerk, General Assistance Administrator Bethany Young has held the registrar position for many years and would do so again
“The election process, it’s tedious but necessarily tedious,” Firman said, saying the registrar of voters position involves a great deal of work and needs to be paid and not a volunteer. “Counting ballots is just the tip of the iceberg.”
Firman said she would also need to be appointed as deputy registrar of voters by the select board. She said she and Young would swear each other in.
In his report, Roy said an $321,000 beacon project for the Greenville Municipal Airport will be funded in large part by the FAA, about $305,000. The remaining $16,000 will be split evenly between the town and the state.
“The comprehensive plan, it’s in the completed draft stage if you will,” Roy said. “The draft has been sent to all committee members.”
The town manager said he was about halfway through reviewing the 180-page document.
Planning Board Chair John Contreni said he has gone through the entire comprehensive plan draft and made comments and edits for others to consider.
A final draft of the comprehensive plan would need to be approved by the select board and it would then go off to the state for review.
Roy said he heard from American Legion Cecil R. Cole Post 94 and Flag Day, Saturday, June 14, will be the dedication ceremony for the newly repaired Greenville Veterans Memorial Wall. The time will be announced as the date approaches.
In early October the select board passed a motion of support for the project.
Per a post on the Post Facebook page, the names of 940 veterans from the War of 1812 through the Persian Gulf from Greenville and surrounding communities are honored on the memorial wall. The project would fix the name and title plaques and wall frame.
Cash or check contributions (payable to Cecil R. Cole Post 94 Greenville) can be dropped off at the Post at 218 Pritham Avenue or mailed to PO Box 1222 Greenville, Me 04441.