CPKC Holiday Train prepares to raise money, bring joy to Maine communities
The Canadian Pacific Kansas City Holiday Train will roll into Maine on Friday, Nov. 22 with two shows featuring musical artists James Barker Band and Clerel:
Brownville 5 p.m. at the CPKC railyard 1586 Main Road; and Jackman 9:30 p.m. at the CPKC railyard at 4 Walton Street.
Anyone wishing to attend a Holiday Train show is encouraged to bring a donation of cash or a non-perishable food item for the local food bank. All donations stay local to help feed those in need in the community, and the food bank will have a station set up at each site to collect donations.

HOLIDAY TRAIN — Canadian Pacific Railway’s Holiday Train, pictured in 2017, will stop in Brownville at 5 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 22.
A live train tracker is available at cpkcr.com/holidaytrain.
Holiday Train fans can follow the train via X, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.
The Canadian Pacific Kansas City Holiday Train tours Canada and the U.S. in November and December raising money, food and awareness for the important work that food banks do in their communities. Professional musicians play free half-hour concerts from the brightly decorated train stage. CPKC makes a donation to the local food shelf at each stop and encourages attendees to also donate. Since its inception in 1999, the Holiday Train has raised more than $24.3 million and 5.3 million pounds of food for community food banks.