GFWC/Miosac Club news
DOVER-FOXCROFT — The GFWC/Miosac Club met Nov. 5 at the Dover-Foxcroft Congregational Church with President Wendy Hutchins presiding. She called the meeting to order and thanked hostess Betsey Ryan. Ryan led the Club Collect, Pledge of Allegiance, and American’s Creed. Minnie McCormick led the song “God Bless America”.
Recording Secretary Diane Leighton took roll call with 10 members answering. She then read the report of the last meeting with no corrections. There was no correspondence. Treasurer Anne Cress gave the treasurer’s report. Advisory person Ryan announced the next meeting will be Nov. 19. Publicity Chair Minnie McCormick reported that the news of the last meeting was in the Piscataquis Observer.

TEA LADY — Minnie McCormick as the “Tea Lady” presenting a program for the GFWC/Miosac Club on Nov. 5.
Under unfinished business, Laurie Ducat reported on the fall conference. Six club members attended. Ducat related how much she enjoyed meeting all the ladies and seeing how clubs work and how much club women do for the organizations all over the world.
The change jar, always present, is filling up fast and those monies will go to Suzanne Raymond’s special project St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
Last calls made for businesses for the community directory which will be ready the first of the year.

HOSTESS — Betsey Ryan was the hostess for the Nov. 5 GFWC/Miosac Club meeting at the Dover-Foxcroft Congregational Church.
Members brought personal care items for the assisted living home. Kiwanis Kids were discussed. Special projects the clubs support are National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month (November) and International Day Against Domestic Violence. Club members were asked to bring flashlights for domestic violence shelters so women can see if they have to leave their homes in the night.
Being no further business, McCormick presented her program “The History of Teas”. The club is very much in favor of having teas and does so every year. Tea parties began in the 1800s. Anna, Duchess of Bedford, realized that midafternoon she was in need of food so her butler brought tea and some bread (they ate the evening meals much later then). Then she started inviting friends in and thus tea parties began and an institution was started. Teas can be simple or very elaborate. A wonderful way to be with friends, make new ones, and have a wonderful time. On with tea parties!