Three Rivers Kiwanis annual Veterans Day dinner
MILO — Every Veterans Day, the Three Rivers Kiwanis of Milo-Brownville serves dinner to all local veterans and their families. This year it will be held on Monday, Nov. 11 at the Three Rivers Kiwanis Hall at 15 Harris Pond Road.

THREE RIVERS KIWANIS HONORS THOSE WHO SERVED — The Three Rivers Kiwanis of Milo-Brownville will once again honor local veterans and families with a roast turkey dinner on Monday, Nov. 11 at the Three Rivers Kiwanis building. The meal is served at noon, with doors opening at 11 a.m. with a POW-MIA program to follow.
The doors will open at 11 a.m. and at 11:45 there will be a POW/MIA ceremony put on jointly by the Milo and Brownville Junction American Legion Posts. The dinner will be served at noon. All area veterans and their family members are eligible to join us for a roasted turkey dinner prepared by the local Kiwanians. The Penquis Valley High School Key Club will be on hand to help set up and serve the meal. The Elementary Veterans Singers led by Stephanie Gillis will be providing some musical entertainment.
If you need home delivery of your meal, please contact Eben DeWitt at 207-943-2486.