GFWC/Miosac Club news
DOVER-FOXCROFT — The GFWC/Miosac Club met Oct. 1 at the Dover-Foxcroft Congregational Church. President Wendy Hutchins called the meeting to order. Roxy McGlauflin led the Collect, Pledge of Allegiance, and American’s Creed.
Diane Leighton took roll call with 10 members responding and three guests were present. She then read the report of the last meeting. There was no correspondence. Treasurer Anne Cress gave the treasurer’s report. The advisory committee announced the next meeting will be Oct. 15 with hostesses Dot Tonic and Laurie Ducat. Publicity Chair Minnie McCormick reported the last meeting was not in the paper.
Under unfinished business Hutchins reminded members of the upcoming fall conference Oct. 23 in Waterville and urged members to attend.
The change jar proceeds this year will go to GFWC/Maine President Suzanne Raymond’s project St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital.
Suggestions for what the club can do for military sexual assault awareness were offered and will be discussed at the next meeting. The GFWC Success for Survivors Scholarship was also discussed. The meeting was adjourned.
Program Chair Raymond introduced Marjorie Coburn Black and Billie Sherman of the Skowhegan Women’s Club and Jenny Reed, a potential new member. Coburn Black is ESO chair and explained the program and how to participate. It is a reading program for club members with rewards for different levels of accomplishment. Those who participate in the program send book reports to Coburn Black. There are four levels of reading and awards are given and after completing certain levels with pins representing the levels.
Reed is the granddaughter of longtime GFWC member Sally Manchester and club members are hoping she will join.
Refreshments were served by hostess McGlauflin.