GFWC/Miosac Club news
DOVER-FOXCROFT — The GFWC/Miosac Club held its first scheduled meeting on Sept. 16. The advisory committee served soups for the souper supper. Roxy McGlauflin led the Club Collect, Pledge of Allegiance, and American’s Creed. Diane Leighton took roll call with 10 members responding. and then read the minutes of the last meeting.
Corresponding Secretary McGlauflin read a thank you from Minnie McCormick for the gift she received for being president and a letter of resignation from Barb Austin. She will now be an associate member with less responsibilities
Treasurer Anne Cress gave the treasurer’s report.

HOSTESSES — Sept. 16 GFWC/Miosac Club meeting hostesses Betsy Ryan and Roxy McLaughlin.
McGlauflin advised the next meeting will be Oct. 1 with ESO Speaker Marjorie Coburn-Black (Skowhegan Women’s Club) from Skowhegan. Program Chair is Suzanne Raymond, hostesses will be Brenda Quiet and McGlauflin.
Publicity Chair McCormick reported that club news (porch party) was in the Piscataquis Observer the week before with a picture.
President Wendy Hutchins announced the GFWC/Maine Fall Conference will be in Waterville Oct. 23. She announced President Suzanne Raymond’s Project is St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. Hutchins suggested programs for the year might be military sexual assault — October is Domestic Violence Month. Other programs can be GFWC Success for Survivors Scholarship, Partners for Peace in Bangor, or libraries and education. The club will also have other projects like nursing home collections as was done last year.
The club observed GFWC Day of Service with a collection of canned soups to be given to the food cupboard.