Volunteer refurbishes American Legion Post 41 welcome sign
MILO — American Legion Post 4 had a local man volunteer to refurbish the “Welcome Veterans” sign outside of the Post on West Main Street. Ben Gauntt spent about 10 hours of his own time meticulously bringing the faded, peeling sign back to better than its original condition. All materials were donated by 3 Rivers Hardware.
When Post members thanked Gauntt he said, “Veterans have put their lives on the line for me, the least I can do is a few hours of work in return.” He says that now that he has the tools and has started woodworking again, he’s going to get back to using the skills his father taught him.
The Post can’t thank him enough for his humble generosity and excellent craftsmanship, not to mention his cheerful, enthusiastic attitude.

GOOD AS NEW — Ben Gaunnt spent about 10 hours refurbishing the “Welcome Veterans” sign at American Legion Post 41 in Milo. From left, Commander Dan Nutter, Past Commander Lee Leeman, Gauntt, and Second Vice Steve Quist.