Unconscionable to misrepresent military record
To the Editor;
In the Army, the highest non-commissioned officer rank is command sergeant major. This is a rank that is earned through hard work through a soldier’s career. One must be identified through their chain of command as having leadership qualities above that of his peers. Typically, at the lowest level of team leader, squad leader, platoon sergeant, master sergeant or first sergeant and then to sergeant major. Selected sergeant majors, through job performance and troops leading experience, are identified to be promoted to command sergeant major. One of the requirements to be promoted to command sergeant major is the completion of the Sergeants Major Academy. Failure of the Sergeants Major Academy means no promotion to command sergeant major.
The command sergeant major is in charge of a battalion, squadron, brigade or division depending on their time in service and prior leadership assignments. As with many positions there are some soldiers that are better at their responsibilities than others but in my 24 years of service most of the command sergeant majors that I served under were exceptional soldiers to be looked up to and admired for their accomplishments.
To have a person running for one of the highest positions of the U.S. government who has apparently elected to misrepresent his military service is unconscionable. I think it is not a mistake, and saying I misunderstood or I didn’t know is no excuse. One knows what his military record is and should know better than try to alter that fact. Basically, I believe it is a flat out lie and at some time the vice president may be the commander in chief and what kind of example is that showing for the service people serving under him. Think about that when November rolls around.
Jeffrey Weatherbee
First Sergeant, U.S. Army (Retired)