Brown for House District 31
To the Editor;
I am writing this letter in support of Joe Brown’s candidacy for District 31 House of Representatives.
Piscataquis County is the oldest and one of the poorest counties in Maine. We have enjoyed strong representation in the past with the likes of Norm Higgins and Dr. Richard Evans; unfortunately, we no longer have a forceful advocate for our region and sending a representative to Augusta whose philosophy is government is a problem and the enemy leaves our area woefully short of political juice.
Brown can be the advocate we desperately need. He is an intelligent, informed, passionate, and committed young man. He doesn’t hesitate to tell you exactly where he stands and he is unrelenting in completing his mission.
I know many simply look for an R or D next to the candidate’s name and vote along party lines. I hope voters in District 31 will look beyond party affiliation and choose a candidate to forcefully carry the message to Augusta that we need resources to stimulate economic growth, eradicate the scourge of drug induced deaths, and help build out infrastructure to bring equity to all our citizens regardless of their economic status.
Brown will reward your confidence in him; and he will speak with a loud voice in Augusta.
Tony Hamlin