Schoodic Lake Charity Bass Tournament Sunday
LAKE VIEW PLANTATION — The sixth annual Schoodic Lake Charity Bass Tournament will take place from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday, July 14 with this year’s proceeds benefiting the Maine Veterans Project and The Penquis Valley Middle School Outing Club. Boat will be in the water at 6:30 a.m. with a briefing at that time at the boat launch.
Those involved with The Maine Veterans Project work tirelessly to help every veteran they can in the state. This ranges from heating fuel in the winter, to new vehicles, to just being someone to talk to.

BENEFIT FISHING — In this 2009 photo state biologists, from left, Nels Kramer, Richard Dill, and Brian Campbell weigh and measure lake trout that were netted for study. The sixth annual Schoodic Lake Charity Bass Fishing Tournament on Sunday will benefit the Maine Veterans Project and The Penquis Valley Middle School Outing Club.
The Penquis Valley Middle School Outing Club helps to get students more involved in the outdoors and promotes a fun and educational view on nature and keeps kids outside. The money raised from the Schoodic Lake Charity Bass Fishing Tournament will help update equipment and send kids on fun camping adventures.
First place in the derby is $2,000 cash, and second place is $1,000.
A cornhole tournament will be the day before, Saturday, July 13, at 11 a.m. at Bissell Brothers Brewing in Milo.
The mission of the Schoodic Lake Charity Bass Tournament aims to help promote Maine businesses while raising funds to support Maine charitable organizations that include outdoor recreation. For more information, please see the event Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/maineschoodiclakecharitybasstournament and https://www.pccamaine.org/pcca-events/schoodic-lake-tournaments/.