Survey to support community health & well-being
BANGOR — Penquis is encouraging survey participation in the Maine Shared Community Health Needs Assessment (Maine Shared CHNA), inviting individuals 18 and older to participate in the statewide community survey. The goal is to learn more about resources and strengths as they relate to the health and well-being of people living in Maine.
The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete. Once participants complete the survey they can enter a raffle to receive one of 10 $100 gift cards. Individuals can access the survey here: https://bit.ly/MeSCHNA. A PDF version of the survey in all eight languages is available at www.mainechna.org. The survey will be open through June 28.
The survey is part of a larger community health needs assessment, which includes focus groups, interviews and data analysis. Results will be combined and used to inform a health and well-being prioritization process leading to the development of health improvement and strategic plans. The Maine Shared Community Health Needs Assessment is a collaboration of Central Maine Healthcare, MaineGeneral, MaineHealth, Northern Light Health, the MeCDC, and the Maine Community Action Partnership. For more information, contact info@mainechna.org.