Contributed photo
NEW COUNTY FLAG — The new Piscataquis County flag is raised by Sheriff Robert Young, Chief Deputy Todd Lyford, and Deputy Kyle Wilson during a ceremony on Flag Day (Friday, June 14) at the county campus in Dover-Foxcroft. The flag was designed by Dean Gallagher, who recently completed his freshman year at Foxcroft Academy, during last year’s student logo contest to design a crest for Piscataquis County. Two new flag poles near the courthouse entrance will make raising and lowering the American, Maine, and Piscataquis County flags much easier than when the poles were atop the courthouse and a ladder truck was needed to reach up.
Contributed photo
NEW COUNTY FLAG — The new Piscataquis County flag is raised by Sheriff Robert Young, Chief Deputy Todd Lyford, and Deputy Kyle Wilson during a ceremony on Flag Day (Friday, June 14) at the county campus in Dover-Foxcroft. The flag was designed by Dean Gallagher, who recently completed his freshman year at Foxcroft Academy, during last year’s student logo contest to design a crest for Piscataquis County. Two new flag poles near the courthouse entrance will make raising and lowering the American, Maine, and Piscataquis County flags much easier than when the poles were atop the courthouse and a ladder truck was needed to reach up.
New Piscataquis County flag raised on county campus
Contributed •June 17, 2024
Contributed photo NEW COUNTY FLAG — The new Piscataquis County flag is raised by Sheriff Robert Young, Chief Deputy Todd Lyford, and Deputy Kyle Wilson during a ceremony on Flag Day (Friday, June 14) at the county campus in Dover-Foxcroft. The flag was designed by Dean Gallagher, who recently completed his freshman year at Foxcroft Academy, during last year’s student logo contest to design a crest for Piscataquis County.
Contributed photo NEW COUNTY FLAG — The new Piscataquis County flag is raised by Sheriff Robert Young, Chief Deputy Todd Lyford, and Deputy Kyle Wilson during a ceremony on Flag Day (Friday, June 14) at the county campus in Dover-Foxcroft. The flag was designed by Dean Gallagher, who recently completed his freshman year at Foxcroft Academy, during last year’s student logo contest to design a crest for Piscataquis County. Two new flag poles near the courthouse entrance will make raising and lowering the American, Maine, and Piscataquis County flags much easier than when the poles were atop the courthouse and a ladder truck was needed to reach up.Contributed photo FLAG DAY CEREMONY — During a Flag Day ceremony at the Piscataquis County campus in Dover-Foxcroft, rising Foxcroft Academy Academy sophomore Dean Gallagher was presented with a new county flag bearing the logo he designed in winning last year’s student design contest. Don and Nancy White of Atkinson, Gold Star godparents of U.S. Army Capt. John R. “Jay” Brainard III, were recognized for their efforts with respect for the flag.
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