
June 11 referendum results


To approve a 2024-25 municipal

budget totaling $9,147,575?

Yes No

676 310

Mayo Mill Dam removal plan

Yes No

411 557

Land Use Ordinance amendment pertaining to LD 2003 on Housing

Yes No

513 405

Town of Dover-Foxcroft Subdivision Ordinance

Yes No

542 395

Land Use Ordinance amendment pertaining to self-storage facilities

Yes No

553 395

Land Use Ordinance amendment pertaining to changeable electronic copy signs

Yes No

527 406

Land Use Ordinance amendment pertaining to wind energy systems

Yes No

487 454

Select board

Top two for 3-year terms

Tracy Redmond 515

Cynthia Freeman Cyr* 413

Michael Sutton* 345

Cheryl Piazza 323

RSU 68 school board

Top two for 3-year terms

Joel Pratt* 685

Timothy Smith* 674

Thompson Free Library

Executive Committee

Top one for a 1-year term

Andrew Robinson* 474

Jennifer Sylvain 379

RSU 68

To approve a 2024-25 school

budget totaling $14,238,768?

Town Yes No

Charleston 68 41

Dover-Foxcroft 752 250

Monson 58 31

Sebec 63 21

Total 941 313


To approve a 2024-25 school

budget totaling $9,247,391?

Town Yes No

Abbot 44 90

Cambridge 25 31

Guilford 101 44

Parkman 39 65

Sangerville 89 36

Wellington 13 8

Total 311 274

SAD 41

To approve a 2024-25 school

budget totaling $11,283,254?

Town Yes No

Brownville 81 40

LaGrange 18 12

Milo 139 40

Total 238 93

SAD 46

To approve a 2024-25 school

budget totaling $16,532,495?

Town Yes No

Dexter 195 108

Exeter 69 17

Garland 44 47

Ripley 36 24

Total 344 196

* incumbent

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