RSU 68 residents move $14.2M budget to June 11 referendum
DOVER-FOXCROFT — Voters attending the annual RSU 68 district budget meeting on Tuesday, May 28 at the SeDoMoCha School approved a proposed 2024-25 budget totaling $14,238,768. This figure is now moved to a referendum vote in the district towns of Charleston, Dover-Foxcroft, Monson, and Sebec on Tuesday, June 11.
Superintendent Stacy Shorey said the $14.2 million figure is up by $855,004 or 6.5 percent from the 2023-24 total of $13,383,764. Nearly a year ago this figure was approved via a combined count of 435 to 170 at the polls.
The $14,2 million is made up of $7,878,889 from the state — a $427,406 increase — and $6,359,879 in various local revenue sources. This includes a $4,033,235 local contribution and another $717,481 in local additional monies (those above what the state requires and approved via a specific warrant article). The local contribution is up by $79,640 while the local additional amount is $70,000 more than 2023-24’s.
Shorey said the finance committee, board of directors, and administrators created a 2024-25 budget that embodies three guiding principles. “The RSU 68 School Board is committed to making transparent, student-centered budget decisions,” she wrote in a letter to residents of the three district communities. “In other words, they have made decisions based on what is best for children and are fiscally responsible. The second principle is to ensure decisions are made that reflect the mission statement. And finally, the third principle is to focus on supporting student engagement. We want to find ways to engage students in their learning so they will consistently come to school and our attendance rate will be more in alignment with state expectations.”
“The initial work on the budget started in December, before the break,” Shorey said, with the finance committee meeting in January, February, and March. She said in late January RSU 68 officials learned of the $427,406 increase in state subsidy. This was due to an overall increase of 10 children from the year prior.
Board Chair Jenny Chase said currently next year RSU 68 is projected to have 654 students, split 357 and 297 between the elementary and middle schools and the respective pre-kindergarten to grade 4 and grades 5-8 sides of the SeDoMoCha School
She said the mill rate for towns decreased from $6.97 to $6.62 with an increase of $79,640 to the local contribution.
“Overall you will see a 3.15 percent increase to taxpayers this year,” the superintendent said. The $4,818,024 in combined assessments, for the local contribution, local additional monies, and RSU 68’s $67,308 proportional share of the approximate $445,000 total Piscataquis Valley Adult Education Cooperative budget, is $147,818 more than the approximate $4,671,000 amount in 2023-24.
Charleston’s proposed assessment would increase by $8,507 or 1.39 percent to $625,544, Dover-Foxcroft would have an increase of $64,030 or 2.29 percent to $2,854,942, Monson’s share would rise by $54,243 or 9 percent to $637,948, and for Sebec the town assessment would be up by $20,339 or 2.99 percent to $699,589.
All 21 articles making up the budget warrant were approved as written over 16 minutes once the moderator was sworn in with 15 residents present at the meeting.
Shorey was asked about plans for SeDoMoCha School administration next year as Principal Adam Gudroe will become the assistant principal/athletic director at Dexter Regional High School for 2024-24. Gudroe had spent six years as SeDoMoCha principal.
She said that current Assistant Principal Cameron Archer will succeed Gudroe and Davan Walker will become assistant principal after having served as student success coach. Grade 2 teacher Cecilia Dube will transfer to the student success coach position.