GFWC Miosac Club news
DOVER-FOXCROFT — The GFWC MIOSAC Club met Tuesday, March 19 with 11 members and one guest present. Betsey Ryan was the program chairperson and she presented her guest speaker Rita Page. She presides over the local backpack program. This charity provides from 57 to 64 large bags of items for youngsters at the SeDoMoCha School on a weekly basis. The Dover-Foxcroft Kiwanis Club is a big contributor.
President Minnie McCormick called the meeting to order and thanked hostesses Barb Austin and Vicki Moschella.
Kathy Ryder presented the Club Collect, Pledge of Allegiance, and American’s Creed.

BACKPACK PROGRAM — Guest speaker Rita Page, left with Program Chairperson Betsey Ryan, spoke about the backpack program for the SeDoMoCha School at the March 19 GFWC Miosac club meeting.
Secretary’s report presented, accepted and filed by Diane Leighton.
Treasurer’s report presented, accepted and filed by Suzanne Raymond.
Raymond also presented a list of programs, monies earned and in kind donations thus far in the 2023-24 season.
Corresponding Secretary Roxy McGlauflin read a thank you letter from Pine Tree Hospice.
Advisory Committee Chairperson Brenda Quiet reported that the next meeting will be April 2 with hostesses Ryder and Vickie Parsons. Rheba Michaud will be in charge of the program.
Quiet also reported that the ongoing donations of supplies to Pleasant Meadows is very much appreciated.
High school art contest program Chairperson Lorna Holman will get in contact with the Foxcroft Academy art teacher for an April date for the contest and the showing and judging of students’ art.
The Newport Convention is April 27. The district will judge artwork from the various winners from this and other clubs in their area. Winners will go on to the state show in May.
The meeting was adjourned and refreshments were served.