Piscataquis County Democrats participate in regional caucuses
Democrats from across Piscataquis County participated in caucuses on Sunday, Feb. 4. Three separate regional caucuses have been organized to enhance mobilization and to better serve the needs of residents in local communities. The Southeast Piscataquis Regional Democratic Committee convened its caucus in Milo and drew voters from Dover-Foxcroft, Sebec, Atkinson, Milo, Medford, and Kingsbury Plantation. The Southwestern Piscataquis Regional Democratic Committee convened in Guilford and drew voters from Guilford, Sangerville, Abbot, Parkman, and Wellington. The Northern Piscataquis Regional Democratic Committee convened in Greenville and serves the towns of Greenville, Beaver Cove, Monson, Shirley, and Willimantic.
Those who attended the caucuses welcomed candidates and signed candidate petitions for individuals who are running for local offices. Among those candidates was Joseph Brown of Milo who announced he is running for the Maine House of Representatives, District 31.

DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS — Piscataquis County Democrats caucus in Milo on Feb. 4, one of three sites around the region.
Caucus attendees across the county elected delegates to the County Committee, learned about the committee’s outreach initiatives such as supporting area food cupboards and educational efforts, as well as discussed strategies for the upcoming elections. In addition, each of these caucuses elected delegates to the Maine Democratic Party Convention that will be held this year in Bangor May 31-June 1.
For more information, contact the Piscataquis County Democratic Committee, P.O. Box 133, Dover-Foxcroft, ME 04426.

ATTENDEE — Veteran Keith Gile attends a Piscataquis County Democratic caucus on Feb. 4.