Milo’s Chili Cook Off Feb. 24
MILO — Milo’s second annual Chili Cook Off will be from 4-6 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 24 in the Town Hall Dining Room, sponsored by Maine Savings Federal Credit Union in conjunction with the Milo Historical Society to benefit Dyer’s Hope House Food Pantry.
There is a $10 fee to enter your chili and compete. Please contact Melissa Cote at Maine Savings Federal Credit Union to enter at mcote@mainesavings.com or 207-862-7248.
Prizes will be awarded, including $125, $75, and $50 for first, second, and third place and Yeti Tumblers for each.
Admission will be by donation for those attending on Feb. 24 to sample the chili entries.

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