Thanks to Efficiency Maine as a money saver
To the Editor;
Winter is the season to be grateful to Efficiency Maine, the agency that helps save money on home energy use. We started with an all-house energy audit, getting a great deal on insulation from basement to attic.
Heating our 1800s Cape then dropped our oil bill from three tanks down to one! Our savings were invested in a heat pump. It’s not only good down to minus 15 degrees, but gives us the bonus of summer air conditioning!
When we needed to replace our old water heater, Efficiency Maine advised a heat pump water heater. Works great, and also keeps the cellar dehumidified.
LED light bulbs provide the same light for a tiny fraction of the energy cost of old style incandescent bulbs. Efficiency Maine rebates allowed us to replace all our bulbs.
Hey! Make this winter yours to not only stay warm, but to save money bigtime. Contact efficiencymaine.com.
Peter Garrett, PhD
Citizens Climate Lobby, Foundation for Climate Restoration