Northern Light Mayo Hospital to hold free pop-up produce market
DOVER-FOXCROFT — Eating more produce is a great way to improve your health and wellbeing. Northern Light Mayo Hospital is making it easy for everyone to access fresh fruits and vegetables by holding a free pop-up produce market on the hospital campus on Thursday, Nov. 9 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. or until supplies run out.
“We’re holding a free pop-up market because we believe that everyone deserves to have access to healthy food,” says Kate Fergola, healthy eating active living coordinator at Mayo Hospital. “People who are on the go will find this to be a quick, convenient way to add some fresh produce to the dinner table at no cost.”
Pop-up markets can play an important role in addressing food insecurity. According to the most recent Maine Shared Community Health Needs Assessment, nearly 17 percent of residents and 25 percent of youth in Piscataquis County are food insecure. While individuals experiencing food insecurity are encouraged to attend, the market is open to anyone who would like fresh fruits and vegetables.
The market will take place on the lawn in front of the Old Mayo Building. Parking is available in the Northern Light Health Center parking lot. Healthy eating education and other healthy living resources will also be available at the market.
Food for the pop-up produce market is provided by the Piscataquis Regional Food Center and Good Shepherd Food Bank.