
More attempts to address rising energy costs

To the Editor,

On Oct. 26 members of the Legislative Council, made up of partisan leaders from both the Senate and House of Representatives, will screen and consider all bills requested prior to their introduction in the Legislature’s Second Regular Session. The Maine Constitution limits these requests to budgetary matters, bills in the Governor’s call, direct initiatives, legislation derived from committee studies during the interim, and legislation of an emergency nature.

The ever-rising cost of electricity, along with citizen concerns about the renewable energy corridor to northern Maine, has prompted me to submit three potential measures for consideration. During the First Regular and First Special Sessions of the 131st Legislature, I sought bi-partisan cooperation to bring about consumer energy savings via L.D. 1347, “An Act to Eliminate the Current Net Energy Billing Policy in Maine.” Although that bill ultimately failed to garner enough support to pass, I will use my position as ranking member of the Energy, Utilities, and Technology Committee to continue to seek ways to provide relief when lawmakers convene in January.

Members of the public can livestream the Legislative Council meeting on Oct. 26 to see what bills will be deliberated over the coming months via the Legislature’s website, https://legislature.maine.gov/.  Hundreds of carryover bills from the previous sessions also need to be finalized. A full listing of these proposals can also be viewed online at https://legislature.maine.gov/doc/10212.

Rep. Steven D. Foster


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