Thompson Free Library
The Thompson Free Library in Dover-Foxcroft
The Thompson Free Library in Dover-Foxcroft
Steel drum concert on Saturday
DOVER-FOXCROFT — The Maine Highlands Council for the Arts is delighted to announce a concert by Panstorm at 6 p.m. on Saturday, Aug 5 at the new pavilion at the Thompson Free Library, 186 East Main Street.
Panstorm is a community steel band based in Hermon. They have been playing for 11 years at various community events, concerts, and festivals, honoring their mission to spread unbridled joy through steel pan music. Kaitlin Young and Alecia Talbot, beloved former SeDoMoCha School teachers, perform in Panstorm, along with several other talented musicians.
Come sit in the pavilion, or bring a chair or blanket for the lawn, for this exciting and fun steel drum band concert. Refreshments will be provided. Admission is by donation.
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