
Brownville Elementary hosts Career Day

BROWNVILLE — Brownville Elementary’s 2023 Career Day was a huge success. We had many presenters come and work with the students today. Thank you to our third grade teacher Crystal Cail for organizing the day.

There were six rotating groups in the morning. Zachary Monroe and Lincoln Mazzei from the Maine Forest Service presented information about the helicopter rescue. The helicopter landed behind the building and students had the chance to sit inside.

Photo courtesy of Brownville Elementary
HELICOPTER RESCUE — The Maine Forest Service touched down for Career Day at the Brownville Elementary School. Students learned about helicopter rescue among other professions. The helicopter landed in the field behind the school and students were able to sit inside.

We had Tina Turcotte and Melissa Brown from Maine Search and Rescue Dog. They demonstrated how their dogs find lost people by using scent. A student from each group was found by the dogs.

Matt Grant and Sean Hashey from Canadian Pacific and Kansas City Southern CPKC taught the students about railroad safety and the dangers of being on railroad tracks.

Martina Coburn from Best Western talked with students about hospitality and they had the opportunity to make a towel animal.

Jaime McCleary taught children about cosmetology.

Photo courtesy of Brownville Elementary
RESCUE EQUIPMENT — Jessica Wyman, right, and Alicia Harmon Brownville Fire Department and EMR demonstrated their equipment and what all the pieces mean to students during Brownville Elementary Career Day.

Lastly Debbie Hamilton from AE Robinson helped children learn about the different jobs in the store and had the opportunity to make pizzas which they were then able to eat this afternoon.

In the afternoon we had Brownville Fire Department and EMR take the stage. Alicia Harmon and Jessica Wyman demonstrated their equipment and what all the pieces mean. Shawn Mitchell, Kevin Black, and Richard Wyman gave each student a chance to try out the fire hose and try out their aim.

Melissa Brown and Martina Coburn demonstrated how oximeters work, listen to their heart with stethoscopes and look at other medical equipment.

The day ended in the gym with pizza that the students made. Thank you Hamilton and AE Robinson in Brownville for donating the pizzas! Thank you to all who helped make the day possible! The students learned a lot and enjoyed the day of learning about careers.

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