Bissell Brothers, Maine Community Foundation donate to SAD 41 after-school program
MILO — This academic year nearly 50 Milo Elementary and Brownville Elementary students have gotten together after school for the BearCats program, an amalgamation of the school’s Bears and Bobcats mascots. In addition to being able to play games while their parents are working on Mondays through Thursdays, BearCats have gone swimming on a weekly basis and taken part in activities such as ice fishing, ice skating, going to basketball games, walking to the library, and learning about making pizza at local restaurants.
Area businesses and organizations have been supporting the BearCats and the after-school program got another boost during a celebration on May 18 at Milo Elementary. Representatives from Bissell Brothers Brewing and the Maine Community Foundation Piscataquis County Committee were on hand to present donations.

With parents joining their children for the presentation, Dawn McLaughlin — who has been leading BearCats and who was recently named the 2023 Piscataquis County Teacher of the Year — said the support of area businesses has been a big part of the success of the after-school program. BearCats has different price rates to be affordable for all SAD 41 families.
“Today I am so pleased to welcome from Bissell’s, Brittany (Cunningham)and she’s going to present us with a donation,” McLaughlin said. “This has been just one business from town that has been generous to us throughout the whole year.”
She asked the students how much was listed on the large ceremonial check and the students responded “$500!”

HOW MUCH DOES IT SAY? — Bissell Brothers Brewing Tap Room Manager Brittany Cunningham, right, and Dawn McLaughlin of the SAD 41 BearCats after-school program ask students how much the ceremonial check is for during a presentation at Milo Elementary on May 18. Area businesses and organizations have supported BearCats during the school year, and contributions will enable a summer program to be offered through the Milo Recreation Department.
McLaughlin and Paul Bradeen, a former advisor of the Piscataquis County Committee, then held up a large replica check as the students gasped upon seeing the $10,000 amount.
They then held up a large replica check as the students gasped upon seeing the $10,000 amount.
“This is what happens when you have an idea and you have a dream, and then you decide you’re passionate about something and I’m passionate about BearCats,” McLaughlin said. She wrote a grant application, spoke with a current Piscataquis County Committee advisor, and was funded by the committee.
“This is only the beginning, we are going to be so well off that we are going to be able to hire more staff,” McLaughlin said.
She said a summer program is being planned for 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesdays to Thursdays through the Milo Recreation Department. “We will be doing a lot of the same things, only a lot more fun at Harris Field,” McLaughlin said.