GFWC MIOSAC Club art show winners
The GFWC MIOSAC Club presented its annual high school art show on April 28 at Foxcroft Academy in the art classroom.
There were 12 exhibits by 12 students. Teacher, Martha Ladd and MIOSAC Art Chairperson Wendy Hutchins presented the artwork. Judge Suzette East critiqued every piece and praised the artists.
Prizes were awarded to Jada Lewis, first; Mackenzie Goodine, second; and Katelyn Lynn third. Fourth place was Elizabeth Richards for People’s Choice Award.

TOP ART — GFWC MIOSAC Club high school art show first-place winner Jada Lewis.
Thirty-two Foxcroft Academy teachers viewed the art. A total of 103 people voted on the People’s Choice Award. Five club members attended.
On April 29 eight GFWC MIOSAC Club members attended the Northern District Meeting and Art Show at the Newport Cultural Center.
Foxcroft Academy submissions at the district art show didn’t disappoint. Richards won second-place honors and Goodine won the People’s Choice Award. These two art pieces will move on to the GFWC MAINE Spring Conference in Bangor on May 11-12 where competition is among many high schoolers from all over Maine. Winners go on to compete in the National Art Show at Summer Convention attended by all GFWC clubs in every state. Good luck to our state of Maine winners/contestants.

ATTENDEES — GFWC MIOSAC attendees at a recent district meeting, from left, Vicki Moschella, Minnie McCormick, Wendy Hutchins, Anne Cress, Suzanne Raymond, Lorna Holman, and Laurie Ducat. This was Holman’s and Ducat’s first attendance at a GFWC District Meeting.