Emergency order area announced as invasive emerald ash borer continues spread into central Maine
AUGUSTA — Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry’s Maine Forest Service announced the expansion of its emergency order restricting the movement of ash trees, green ash waste, ash firewood, and any other materials that may be a means of emerald ash border transportation. The expansion follows the discovery of EAB infestations in Corinna and Newport in Penobscot County and Andover and Woodstock in Oxford County. The infestations are suspected to be the direct result of human movement of EAB.
The expanded emergency order covers Androscoggin, Kennebec, Knox, Lincoln, Sagadahoc, and Waldo Counties and parts of Aroostook, Franklin, Oxford, Penobscot, Piscataquis, and Somerset counties. The expansion is in addition to areas described in the existing state quarantine, Maine DACF, Agriculture Rules, Chapter 275, which includes regions of Maine and other states and Canada.

Regulated ash items include:
- All life stages of the EAB
- Rooted ash (Fraxinus spp.) for planting (excluding mountain ash)
- Hardwood firewood that has not been certified heat treated
- Ash logs (i.e., roundwood and pulpwood) and green lumber from ash
The MFS EAB webpage is the best resource for everyone concerned about EAB spread in Maine. Email questions about EAB and the Emergency Order to foresthealth@maine.gov or call (207) 287-2431. More information on firewood can be found on the Maine Forest Service firewood webpage (https://www.maine.gov/dacf/mfs/forest_health/invasive_threats/firewood.shtml) and www.dontmovefirewood.org.