Foxcroft Academy to host Step-Up Night
DOVER-FOXCROFT — We are still in the midst of the 2022-23 school year but before you know it, another school year will be gone by. With that in mind, we look to the future. On Monday, Feb. 27 at 6 p.m. Foxcroft Academy will host its annual Step-Up Night for eighth-grade families. Eighth-grade students are invited and encouraged to attend along with their parents or guardians.
The evening will focus on several subjects, including academic requirements and standards, course options, an overview of the different departments, and it will also provide an opportunity for questions to be asked, school tours, and more. This event will take place in the gymnasium and will conclude by 7:30 p.m.
If you are not a current eighth-grade student at SeDoMoCha Middle School, but would like the opportunity to learn more about Foxcroft Academy, please contact Foxcroft Academy Counseling Services at 207-564-8893 or email kandi.martin@foxcroftacademy.org.