Find what you need at Thompson Free Library
By Kim Brawn
While nothing can be all things to all people, libraries come pretty close. They’ve become shapeshifters, changing to meet community needs yet still mindfully tending their collections. Sometimes you need a spa day for your brain. Sometimes you need to print something. Maybe you want to feel comfortable and connected. Maybe you just want to read a good book while waiting for your car to be fixed. Whatever the reason, this February’s offerings at the Thompson Free Library in Dover-Foxcroft will meet you where you are or where you’d like to be.
“Baby and Me Time” debuts Wednesday, Feb. 1 at 9 a.m. (and will continue weekly in that time slot). Caretakers and babies can come to the library to socialize. Age-appropriate toys and books will be available in a comfortable setting.
The only thing constant is change. As British author Virginia Woolf wrote, “A self that goes on changing, is a self that goes on living.” Is embracing change the key to a good life? Is change synonymous with growth? You guessed it, “Change” is the topic for TFL’s Philosophy Circle on Friday, Feb. 3 at 3:30 p.m. (prior attendance is not required).
Celebrate national “Bring your Child to the Library Day” on Saturday, Feb. 4. There will be a 10:00 a.m. story time and bookmark-making supplies will be available while the library is open.
Get ready for another Ten Cent Basement Book Sale Feb. 8-11 (Wednesday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thursday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.). Even groundhogs will leave their burrows for these deals!
It’s never too early to think about gardening. Have you always wanted to start your own vegetable seeds in the spring? Then you’ll want to attend “Seed Starting for Maine” on Thursday, Feb. 9 from 10 a.m. to noon. Join UMaine Cooperative Extension for an informative talk on how to choose seeds from seed catalogs as well as when to plant, how to plant, where to start them, and how to care for them until they are in the garden. Participants will receive a bag of seed starting medium.
Feb. 9 at 3 p.m. make Valentine’s Day cards for local nursing homes. What a wonderful way to brighten someone’s day! Supplies available to make 125 cards.
The trailer for “Eyes from the Pines: The Pine Ape Project” gives off eerie Blair Witch Project vibes. What is that noise? Is something watching us?. This documentary follows the filmmaker Nathaniel Brislin and a group of fellow researchers on their expedition to a cabin deep in the woods of central Maine where sasquatch activity has been reported. It features noted Bigfoot researchers Loren Coleman of the International Cryptozoology Museum and author Michelle Souliere of Green Hand Books. The showing is Sunday, Feb. 12 at 1 p.m. at Center Theatre. Admission is $5.
Popular author Cathie Pelletier was born and raised in the Aroostook County town of Allagash and knows a thing or two about harsh weather, so it seems fitting that her new book “Northeaster, Detailing an Epic 1952 Maine Snowstorm” is a gripping and vivid story partially set in nearby Brownville.
Cathie visits TFL on Monday, Feb. 13 at 6 p.m. to discuss her book. From the publisher’s description: “Northeaster weaves together a rich cast of characters whose lives were uprooted and endangered by the storm. Housewives and lobstermen, loggers and soldiers were all trapped as snow piled in drifts twenty feet high. The storm smothered hundreds of travelers in their cars, covered entire towns, and broke ships in half. In the midst of the blizzard’s chaos, there were remarkable acts of heroism and courageous generosities.” The library is closed on Mondays but will open for the event.
Most people know how important flowers are to bees, but what about trees? Turns out trees are an essential habitat for native bees. Learn simple ways you can have a positive impact on pollinators at “Pollinators and the Forest” with Piscataquis County Soil and Water Conservation District at TFL on Thursday, Feb. 16 at 6 p.m. This program will be both virtual and in-person with presenters sharing information on why pollinators need forests and how landowners can help support them. For more information to register, visit www.piscataquisswcd.org or call 207-564-2321 ext. 3.
It’s back! “Nerf Night at the Library” is Friday, Feb. 17 from 6-7:30 p.m. for fith grade and up. Please bring your own Nerf weapons and pellets labeled with name or identifying markings. Safety glasses required. Contact the library because space is limited. Any adults interested in chaperoning, please contact Youth Services Librarian Michelle Fagan.
New year, new job? Whatever your goals or situation the Career Center can help. Tuesday, Feb. 28 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. (and every fourth Tuesday of the month) Alyssa from Career Center will be at TFL to assist with your job search, resume writing and interviewing, apprenticeships, training and education assistance, federal bonding information, and veteran’s services. Take advantage of this incredible resource and spread the word!
Whether you’re craving alone time or family time, our lineup will inspire you to mix it up and try something new. As that catchy-pop philosopher Sheryl Crow once wrote, “…a change would do you good.” Of course, she also said, “All I Wanna Do Is Have Some fun.” Don’t worry — both are possible this month at the Thompson Free Library!