Annual walk/run for suicide prevention
DOVER-FOXCROFT — The JD Foundation is having its sixth annual Walk/Run to Wake the Silence on Saturday, Oct. 1. This event will take place at the Piscataquis Regional YMCA, 48 Park Street. Registration starts at 8 a.m., opening ceremony starts at 9:45 a.m., and the walk/run starts at 10 a.m. This is a 5K walk/run as well as a 1-mile walk for those who are unable to complete the 5K. You may register the morning of.
Our organization started after the loss of our son, William Joe Day, who died by suicide on Nov. 18, 2005. As a mom, and someone who worked in the health care field for over 35 years, founder Cheryl Morin knew that people did not talk about suicide — they only whispered. That being said, they began sharing their story at every club, business, and event they could, and then went on to educate themselves through many organizations that have expertise in this area.

WALKING TO WAKE THE SILENCE — More than 200 participants walked and ran through downtown Dover-Foxcroft in the JD Foundation’s 2017 Walk/Run to Wake the Silence. The sixth annual event will be on Saturday morning, Oct. 1 starting at the Piscataquis Regional YMCA.
The JD Foundation started out with one program and now has several. The organization has taught suicide and anti-bullying in schools, taken people out on walks, hikes, etc., over 200 times, spoken at the Blaine House, built a program for veterans, formed a support group which has continued, as well as seeing families and others one on one throughout the state. The JD Foundation has also always raised its own money through yard sales, auctions, walks, donations from others, and grants.
This walk is not only about raising money for the organization, but also brings people together who otherwise may not be able to talk about suicide openly and without judgement. It is a healing process for many.
Please join us Saturday, Oct. 1 for this incredible time of comradery, healing, and remembering those wonderful, loved ones that have dies by suicide.
For more information, please contact Morin at 207-343-1732.