MaineCF grants available to support transportation programs
Grant funding for organizations and projects that provide community-based transportation, usually through volunteer drivers, is available from the Maine Community Foundation’s Maine Charity Foundation Fund.
Eligible organizations and projects must provide transportation and/or delivery services to people with limited or no access to transportation.
“Lack of access to transportation, especially in rural areas, can result in missed medical appointments, malnutrition, and social isolation – all significant threats to good health and quality of life,” said Laura Lee, MaineCF director of grantmaking.
In 2021 MaineCF’s Maine Charity Foundation Fund awarded $31,700 to seven organizations. Another 25 grants totaling $109,300 were made from donor-advised funds at MaineCF. Last year’s grantees included Age Friendly Saco, to create an on-demand pilot transportation program; Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program, to support its program that brings food pantries to local housing complexes; and Neighbor to Neighbor, to pay one year’s salary for the dispatcher.
A list of all recent grants is available at www.mainecf.org/recentgrants. The deadline for applications is Sept. 15.
There will be a virtual information session from noon to 1 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 17. For more information, to register for the session, and submit a proposal, visit www.mainecf.org. Contact Lee with questions at 207-761-2440 or llee@mainecf.org.
The Maine Community Foundation brings people and resources together to build a better Maine. MaineCF has offices in Ellsworth and Portland with additional staff located across the state. To learn more about the foundation, visit www.mainecf.org.