Use of town road
To the Editor;
On July 26 the Dover-Foxcroft Selectboard, by a vote of 3-3, did not approve the use of a town road (Foxcroft Center Road) as an access route for ATV use. The local ATV club then resorted to overriding the decision with the help of Brian Bronson, the ATV coordinator for the state of Maine.
Even though the elected town officials failed to approve the extended distance for ATV use of Foxcroft Center Road, five days after the denial the ATV club opened more than half the road with the approval of a Maine state official, overturning the town decision made by our elected officials.
We all have the right to recreate and enjoy the natural environment. No one is trying to prevent or stop ATV recreation. What we object to, as residents, is the overturning of the Dover-Foxcroft Selectboard’s vote regarding the use of a town road.
Pierre Gaudion