Memorial Day events around the region
COLOR GUARD — The stars and stripes of the U.S. flag and then flags for the American Legion and POW/MIA led the way during the 2019 Memorial Day parade in Dover-Foxcroft. On Monday American Legion Post 29 will observe Memorial Day with an 11 a.m. observance. The Legion will assemble at the fire station and walk a short distance over to the bridge on East Main Street for a wreath laying ceremony. After honoring the fallen by placing a wreath in the river, the procession moves to Monument Square for the continued observance.
AUXILIARY COLOR GUARD — Little Miss Poppy Giavanna Farley of Brownville and the Joseph P. Chaisson Unit 41 Jr. Auxiliary leads the Auxiliary Color Guard during a past Memorial Day parade in Milo. In 2021 there will be no parade in Milo but a Memorial Day ceremony takes place at 10 a.m. at the cemetery.
MEMORIAL DAY– Parade participants, carrying a wreath and flowers for a ceremony over the Piscataquis River, and the Foxcroft Academy band march in a Memorial Day procession in Dover-Foxcroft. In Monson a Memorial Day parade will be hosted by American Legion Post 116 at 9 a.m., with the lineup at 8:45 a.m. in the Robinson’s parking lot. A 10 a.m. ceremony will take place at the Veteran’s Memorial in Dexter.