Consider all options/opinions
To the Editor;
Again the Piscataquis County Commissioners have assumed the “right” to make decisions for the entire county based on their own biases. It is unacceptable to ignore over 100 letters, emails, etc., from the public in support of writing the letter of support for Center Theatre. I contacted the county manager to make sure that my email was included in the minutes of the last meeting and the information regarding the number of letters, emails, etc. came from Mr. Williams therefore is accurate.
The County commissioners appear to be acting unilaterally based solely on what they believe is valuable for the people of this entire county. They are elected to consider all options/opinions in the decision making process for the entire county, not just their own notions of what is valuable/right. If they cannot take into consideration input from citizens, then perhaps they need to be removed from office.
Again, they are behaving in exactly the same way they continually “rail” against. Have they no self-awareness at all.
Janet Yelch-Weatherbee