Start change by sending Contreni to Augusta
To the Editor;
American institutions have taken a beating in recent years. Internationally we have lost our standing in NATO, abandoned our partners in the Trans Pacific Partnership and walked away from the Paris Climate Agreement. Here at home the ACA has been denied by Gov. LePage and constantly attacked by the Trump administration, all while the opioid epidemic and now the COViD-19 pandemic have spread through Maine. To correct this course, we need a change in leadership from the local level to the nation’s capital.
Nov. 3 is a chance to put new people into office. While the races in Washington may be decided by record-setting PAC contributions, Maine voters are fully in control of whom they send to Augusta. District 119 has seemed to support the disastrous LePage and Trump legacy, but it’s time for a change. Vote for Margarita Contreni. She’ll take a common sense position on the alternative energy options that LePage blocked. She’ll support policies that ease our current health crisis. As a local business woman from Greenville, she’ll seek policies that help our future economy, and not cling to the traditions of the past. Send a message that enough is enough, and start by sending Margarita Contreni to Augusta.
Sue Griffith