Sheriff reminds of unlawful removal of political signs
To the Editor;
Every election brings a few diehard proponents of a particular candidate who think stealing or damaging the opposing candidate lawn signs will help their cause. This year there is an abundance of sign stealing; undoubtedly related to the deep polarization between the two parties. Each of us has a right to participate in the political process, including signs, without undue interference.
There is a particular law covering this: §1917-B. Unlawful removal of temporary signs
A person who takes, defaces or disturbs a sign placed within the public right-of-way in accordance with section 1913-A, subsection 1, paragraph L commits a civil violation for which a fine of up to $250 may be adjudged. This section does not apply to a person authorized to remove signs placed within the public right-of-way in accordance with section 1913-A, subsection 1, paragraph L.
We’re asking each to respect the rights of others to endorse and promote the candidate of their choosing.
Bob Young
Piscataquis County sheriff