Support communications center upgrades
To the Editor;
At the Penobscot County Commissioners meeting of May 12, commissioners unanimously approved seeking support from the voters of Penobscot County to replace the radio infrastructure for your Regional Communications Center.
The bond request is for $6 million to be paid back over a 10-year period. The annual cost to a taxpayer will be $3.50 per $100,000 of home valuation.
The public safety radio system is the core of a strong, unified public safety response system for the 65 police, fire and ambulance agencies that rely on the Regional Communications Center for dispatch.
The existing public safety radio system is nearly 25 years old and very outdated. Replacement parts are difficult to find. We often rely on eBay because vendors do not have parts for the outdated equipment.
Please speak to any member of your local police, fire or emergency medical community and ask questions. They will each vouch for the need to replace and improve the communications equipment for the public safety needs of our local citizens.
When you dial 911 seeking response for a personal emergency, you do not need or want a delay, when you require immediate attention to your situation. The current system is outdated and without these needed replacements could fail when you need it most.
Please vote yes on bond question 3 in Penobscot County.in Penobscot County.
Peter K. Baldacci
Laura Sanborn
Andre Cushing
Penobscot County Commissioners