Photo courtesy of Tisbury Manor Chapter NSDAR
GETTING TOGETHER ONLINE -- Members of the Tisbury Manor Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution meeting remotely are top, from left, Judy Taylor, Kathy Normandin, Linda Packard, Nancy Battick and Nancy Trogdon; middle, Dorinda Galbraith, Colleen Taylor, new prospective member Jo Ann Pullen, Bunny Knight and Cori Todd; and bottom, Mary Annis and Barbara Joyce.
Photo courtesy of Tisbury Manor Chapter NSDAR
GETTING TOGETHER ONLINE -- Members of the Tisbury Manor Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution meeting remotely are top, from left, Judy Taylor, Kathy Normandin, Linda Packard, Nancy Battick and Nancy Trogdon; middle, Dorinda Galbraith, Colleen Taylor, new prospective member Jo Ann Pullen, Bunny Knight and Cori Todd; and bottom, Mary Annis and Barbara Joyce.
Tisbury Manor Chapter adapts meetings
Contributed, Special to the Piscataquis Observer •June 18, 2020
Tisbury Manor Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) has adapted to the quarantine guidelines and is holding its chapter meetings via online video conferencing. The chapter is using Zoom, and it has been a successful tool to gather the Daughters and hold meetings.
Tisbury Manor Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) has adapted to the quarantine guidelines and is holding its chapter meetings via online video conferencing. The chapter is using Zoom, and it has been a successful tool to gather the Daughters and hold meetings. They are eagerly awaiting the day they can physically meet, but this has been a great way to discuss plans for the future.
For information on DAR, email tisbury_manor@mainedar.org or visit the website at mainedar.org/tisburymanor. Like the Facebook page at facebook.com/tisburymanordar.
Photo courtesy of Tisbury Manor Chapter NSDAR
GETTING TOGETHER ONLINE — Members of the Tisbury Manor Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution meeting remotely are top, from left, Judy Taylor, Kathy Normandin, Linda Packard, Nancy Battick and Nancy Trogdon; middle, Dorinda Galbraith, Colleen Taylor, new prospective member Jo Ann Pullen, Bunny Knight and Cori Todd; and bottom, Mary Annis and Barbara Joyce.
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