Sen. Davis reaching out to constituents
To the Editor;
The Maine Legislature adjourned for the year on March 17 at a little after 9 p.m.
Up until March 16 l attended several town meetings (elected to moderate three) and worked helping with public functions such as the American Legion dinner in Greenville. It was great meeting many folks.
Since then several town meetings have been canceled (Harmony, Parkman, Abbot and Guilford). Restaurants and stores have closed.
Usually after the Legislature closed I would go door to door as l am running for reelection. Because of the coronavirus pandemic I don’t feel this possible. I will reach out the best I can.
Feel free to contact me at 207-876-4047, 207-343-0258 and sendavis@myottmail.com.
Sen. Paul T. Davis Sr.,
Senate District 4