My dad was right
To the Editor;
In response to the Bangor Daily News letter to the editor, “Grandparents’ GOP” on Dec. 27: I could have written this same letter about my parents. My dad, a World War II veteran and proud American, kept up on current events through his subscription to the BDN, reading books and televised news outlets until the end. Unfortunately, his body gave out on him and he was literally on his deathbed on Election Day 2016.
While watching the voter coverage, he expressed to me his concern: he hoped and prayed that for once the public would have the common sense to not vote Republican. He said it would be a disaster for our country. The next day, he was shaking his head and just couldn’t believe Donald Trump would be the next president of the United States. He said one good thing was that he wouldn’t be alive to see it. He was right on all counts: he died Dec. 22, 2016.
Joyce Woodard