
Land Use Planning Commission announces new executive director

AUGUSTA — The Land Use Planning Commission (LUPC) is pleased to announce confirmation of the appointment of Judy East as incoming executive director. East, a Washington County resident, brings over three decades of rural land use planning and conservation experience to LUPC.

LUPC Chair Everett Worcester, a resident of Ornville Township, said, “Judy’s extensive experience with complex zoning decisions has positioned her perfectly to lead our commission. I am confident that we have chosen an exceptional individual and I am enthusiastic about this next step for the commission.”

East will lead the agency, which resides within the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, in planning and zoning in Maine’s unorganized and deorganized areas. Most recently, she served as executive director at the Washington County Council of Governments where she dedicated 17 years. Prior to the council she worked with The Nature Conservancy in East Hampton, New York as director of land protection.

“We are very pleased that the commissioners were equally enthusiastic about our recommendation to appoint Judy to this position, and we are excited to have her joining our talented and dedicated LUPC team and bringing her expertise and proven leadership abilities to the department,” commented Amanda Beal, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry commissioner. “I look forward to working with Judy in LUPC’s efforts to preserve the unique character of the land within its jurisdiction, with an eye toward opportunities for economic development that are well-aligned and preserves that character.”

East has been engaged in land use planning since earning her master of science planning degree from the University of British Columbia’s School of Community and Regional Planning. She also holds a bachelor of science biology specialist degree (freshwater ecology) from the University of Toronto, where she majored in environmental studies and minored in economics.

In addition to extensive rural, regional and national land use planning experience, East has earned numerous awards including: Plan of the Year from Maine Association of Planners (Bold Coast Scenic Byway Corridor Management Plan); Project of the Year from the American Planning Association’s Northern New England Chapter (Online GIS Mapping to Assist Rural Washington County in Planning for the Future and Preparing for Impacts of Climate Change with the University of Maine at Machias GIS Service Center). Her previous volunteer experiences include: service on statewide and regional boards and commissions including St Croix, International Waterway Commission, Maine Sea Grant Policy Advisory Committee, Smart Growth Maine and others. She is currently an Olympia’s Leaders Advisor, with Olympia Snowe Women’s Leadership Institute.

“I am very much looking forward to working with and for the State of Maine and those who live and work in the unique and extraordinary place encompassed by the LUPC,” East said.

East will officially assume her new role in mid-December.

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