2019 Black Fly Festival set for Saturday
MILO — The Milo Events Committee invites the public to join in a day of fun and festivities on Saturday, June 1. The theme this year is “Love Is In The Air!” A parade will line up at 9:30 a.m. (near Maine Savings & JSI on Park Street) and will proceed at 10 a.m. toward downtown, ending at the Penquis Valley School.
The day will host over 50 vendors at the Veteran’s Memorial Park along the Sebec River from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and will feature live DJ music by Jeff Beaulieu from Neptune Entertainment, 1-3 p.m. live music by the Allison Ames Band at the gazebo and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. kid’s activities
At dusk there will be a lighted boat parade and wish lanterns will be launched on the Sebec River. Lanterns will be available for purchase during the day at the information tent along with T-shirts and other commemorative items with the Black Fly logo.
For more information please contact Ricky Bradeen at 943-3994 or miloeventscommittee@gmail.com. For the latest updates, see on Facebook “BlackFlyFestivalMiloMaine”.