Congrats to Foxcroft Academy seniors
To the Editor;
Good morning from the shores of beautiful Moosehead Lake as dawn pierces the night sky and the sun looms on the horizon, trying to break through the overcast skies as rain pelts America’s Crown Jewel overnight.
On behalf of the citizens of Dover-Foxcroft and the surrounding communities, I would like to congratulate the senior class at Foxcroft Academy on their accomplishments.
I also want to thank the boarding students for choosing Foxcroft Academy for your American education.
A pleasure and honor to have you here as students of Foxcroft Academy and residents of the Academy. You have been a wonderful asset to the school and the community of Dover-Foxcroft.
Wishing all the seniors the very best as they go on to further their education at a school of their choice. Wishing you the very best. God bless.
Charlie Boothby