Maine doesn’t need new gun laws
To the Editor;
Al Larson’s April 7 letter to the editor (in the Bangor Daily News) makes it sound like the woods are full of hunters using AR-15s with magazines that hold a large amount of ammunition. Under Maine hunting laws, it is illegal to hunt with a magazine capacity of more than five cartridges (plus one in the chamber for a total of six) unless the magazine has been permanently altered to contain not more than five cartridges.
I am also a Vietnam veteran and enjoy hunting with my AR-15 (using a five-round magazine). As with anything else, there is always someone that will break these laws and that makes them a criminal. My belief is that I should be able to use whatever weapon I choose to hunt with, as long as it is legal. My ethical position is that we don’t need more laws to break, we just need to enforce, or obey, the ones already in place.
Jeff Weatherbee