DAR presents Community Service Awards
DOVER-FOXCROFT — On June 14 Tisbury Manor presented Community Service Awards to Jacob Van Meter and Eric Reeves. These men filed a suit against the state of Maine for violating their rights under the Americans With Disabilities Act. Maine had no facilities for young adults with disabilities and these two gentlemen had to live in nursing homes.
Their action resulted in the creation of a new facility in Bangor called Knights Court, specifically designed for young adults with disabilities. Van Meter and Reeves were presented with their DAR Community Service Award Certificates and pins at the reception held at Mayo Regional Hospital in Dover Foxcroft.
For more information on Tisbury Manor or DAR contact info@tisburymanordar.org, visit the Facebook page at www.facebook.com/tisburymanordar or www.tisburymanordar.org.
Photo courtesy of Tisbury Manor
DAR COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD RECIPIENTS — Jacob Van Meter, front left, and Eric Reeves were presented with Community Service Awards by Tisbury Manor for their court actions to create Knights Court in Bangor, a facility designed to house young adults with disabilities. Making the presentation in Dover-Foxcroft was Tisbury Manor Community Service Award Chair Barbara Joyce, back left, and and Nancy Battick, Tisbury Manor regent.