Court News
DOVER-FOXCROFT — The following cases were heard under the Piscataquis Criminal Docket at the Piscataquis Judicial Center during November and December.
Philip E. Sprague Jr., 51, Milo: assault, 18 months in prison; indecent conduct, 30 days in jail; domestic violence assault, six months in jail; refusing to submit to arrest or detention, physical force, refusing to sign criminal summons and refusing to submit to arrest or detention, refusing to stop (each), dismissed.
Ralph O. Sprague III, 38, Millinocket: operating while license suspended or revoked, prior, $500 fine; and possessing suspended driver’s license, $100 fine, all suspended.
Zachary D. Stevens, 22, Monson: use of drug paraphernalia, $300 fine.
Adriene F. Taylor, 52, Milo: failing to register vehicle within 30 days, $100 fine.
Thornton E. Thompson, 76, Caribou: OUI, prior, $700 fine, seven days in jail, three-years’ license and registration suspension.
Tyler Tibbetts, 19, LaGrange: aggravated assault, six months in jail, probation partially revoked, probation continued; and theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $150 restitution.
Kaitlyn M. Usher, 18, Dover-Foxcroft: minor possessing liquor, $200 fine.
Rena M. Valcourt, 37, Wellington: domestic violence assault, 10 days in jail.
Ronney L. Vick, 66, Charleston: operating after habitual offender revocation, $500 fine and 30 days in jail; and failure to register vehicle, dismissed.
Christy L. Williams, 38, Long A Twp.: assault, $300 fine.
The following cases were heard under the Piscataquis Criminal Docket at the Piscataquis Judicial Center during January and February.
John P. Adkins, 20, Monson: hunting from stand or blind overlooking deer bait, $200 fine.
Richard Annett, 68, Greenville: operating under the influence, $600 fine, 48 hours in jail and 150-day license suspension.
Joshua M. Batey, 36, Guilford: assault, $300 fine; domestic violence assault, eight months in jail, all but 20 days suspended, two years’ probation; aggravated assault, dismissed; violating condition of release (two counts), five days in jail (first) and five days in jail, all suspended (second); refusing to submit to arrest or detention, physical force, five days in jail; failing to stop, remain, provide information and criminal mischief, five days in jail, all suspended (each), $500 restitution (second).
Samantha Beatham, 20, Guilford: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer (three counts), $250 fine (first), $300 fine (second), and $350 fine (third).
Erik S. Bickmore, 23, Cambridge: ice fishing in closed waters, $120 fine.
Joshua W. Bickmore, 28, Guilford: misuse of identification, five days in jail and $157.26 restitution.
Robert J. Bishandeski, 23, Guilford: placing bait to entice deer, $200 fine.
Michael A. Blake, 63, Ludlow, Mass.: fraudulently obtaining license or permit, $200 fine.
Tyler J. Bonsey, 21, Dover-Foxcroft: operating while license suspended or revoked, dismissed.
Bert Allan Boone, 32, Sangerville: motor vehicle speeding 30-plus mph over speed limit, $350 fine; and operating while license suspended or revoked, prior, $500 fine.
Michael Bragdon II, 49, Millinocket: failing to provide and display registration, $100 fine.
Dylan J. Brown, 22, Fairhaven, Mass.: possessing unregistered deer, hunting antlerless deer without permit and failing to timely register beer, deer, moose or turkey, $300 fine (each).
Ronald C. Brown, 44, Fairhaven, Mass: possessing antlerless deer, $300 fine; and illegal transportation of animal or bird, $100 fine.
Eric Bubar, 28, Orneville Twp.: loaded firearm or crossbow in motor vehicle, $200 fine and night hunting, $1,000 fine and three days in jail.
Star Bunn, 27, Brownville: assault, $300 fine, all suspended, 45 days in jail; terrorizing (two counts), 45 days in jail (each); refusing to submit to arrest or detention, physical force and escape, dismissed (each); refusing to submit to arrest or detention, refusing to stop and criminal mischief, 45 days in jail (each); and assault on an emergency medical care provider, $300 fine, all suspended, one year in prison, all but 45 days suspended and two years’ probation.
Gary A. Chambers, 56, Sangerville: unlawful cutting of trees, dismissed.
Cody J. Cobb, 19, Brownville: operating unregistered snowmobile, $200 fine.
Jonathan O. Coburn, 24, Milo: driving to endanger, $575 fine, 30-day license suspension; OUI, injury (two counts), dismissed (each); aggravated driving to endanger (two counts), dismissed (each); and OUI, $700 fine, seven days in jail and 150-day license suspension.
Tony C. Coffin, Jr., 36, Lincoln: violating snowmobile noise level limits, $100 fine.
Casey D. Cross, 25, Milo: criminal mischief and assault, 90 days in jail (each) and $300 fine (second); and perjury, six months in jail.
Amy M. Daugostine, 43, Sangerville: night hunting, $1,000 fine and three days in jail.
Michael G. Davis, 66, Abbot: OUI, $500 fine, 48 hours in jail and 150-day license suspension; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer (two counts), 48 hours in jail (each), $2 restitution (first) and $1.26 restitution (second); and violating condition of release, 48 hours in jail.
Skyler A. Davis, 20, Sangerville: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer (three counts), burglary, stealing drugs and criminal mischief, permanent transfer (each).
Mark Donaghy, 54, Dover-Foxcroft: rule violation, $100 fine.
Robert Donlon, 46, Milo: attaching false plates, $100 fine.
Gerald J. Donohoe, Jr., 52, Byfield, Mass.: permitting unaccompanied person under 16 to operate ATV, $100 fine.
Robert Doty, 33, Alton: failing to stop, provide information, $200 fine.
Caleb C. Emery, 20, Milo: failing to report accident or remove carcass, $100.
George English, Jr., 58, Dover-Foxcroft: harassment by telephone, $100 fine, $50 suspended.
Andrew J. Fletcher, 41, Dover-Foxcroft: failing to register vehicle, $200 fine.
Richard W. Fortier, 58, Ellsworth: violation of moose zone rule, $300 fine; and wasting a wild bird or wild animal, $500 fine.
Michael Foster, 35, Guilford: OUI, prior, $900 fine, seven days in jail and three years’ license and registration suspension; possessing revoked, mutilated, fictious or fraudulent license/ID card, refusing to sign criminal summons and violating condition of release, 48 hours in jail (each).
Kathleen Marie Gnade, 25, Milo: operating while license suspended or revoked, prior, $500 fine.
Christopher M. Gray, 25, Milo: operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine.
Roy Gray, 54, Guilford: violating license requirements, priors, $300 fine.
Jessie L. Harmon, 28, Bradford: operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine.
Desiree L. Hazlett, 30, Milo: disorderly conduct, loud noise, private place, $200 fine.
Kendra L. Herbest, 20, Milo: use of drug paraphernalia, $300 fine and possession of marijuana, up to 1.25 oz., dismissed.
John C. Jardine, 29, Greenville: loaded firearm or crossbow in motor vehicle, $200 fine.
Benjamin L. Jay, 23, Milo: forgery, theft of lost, mislaid or misdelivered property and failure to appear in court on criminal summons, $250 fine (each).
Moira Killarney McGarry, 34, Parkman: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer (two counts), 15 days in jail (first) and dismissed (second).
Lucrezia Lachapelle, 41, Sangerville: allowing minor to possess or consume liquor (two counts), dismissed (first) and $750 fine (second).
Taleek McFadden, 26, Auburn: assault, $350 fine and permanent transfer.
Marie G. McFarland, 70, Elliotsville Twp.: hunting from stand or blind overlooking deer bait, $200 fine.
Daniel W. McGarry, 57, Parkman: OUI, prior, $700 fine, 10 days in jail and three years’ license and registration suspension; violating condition of release, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 20 days in jail (each); and operating vehicle without license, 48 hours in jail.
Robin K. McGuire, 64, Falmouth: trafficking in prison contraband, dismissed; and unlawfully furnishing scheduled drug, $1,000 fine.
John C. Moore II, 35, Guilford: ice fishing in closed waters, $100 fine.
Wyatt L. Morton, 30, Milo: probation violation, 60 days in jail, probation partially revoked, probation continued.
Sean P. O’Brien, 25, Shirley: operating ATV on public way, $100 fine.
Robert O’Brien, 57, Milo: disorderly conduct, loud noise, private place, $200 fine.
Corey D. Palmer, 30, Portland: exceeding 18 hours to register deer, $300 fine.
Jason Parker, 28, Guilford: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer (two counts), five days in jail (each) and $15.29 restitution (second).
Mark J. Philbrook, 65, Lagrange: operating while license suspended or revoked, prior, $500 fine.
Nathaniel Prato, 20, Bangor: violatiing condition of release, permanent transfer.
Richard A. Quimby, 59, Bangor: operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine.
Steven Ritter, 57, Dover-Foxcroft: OUI, $500 fine and 150-day license suspension.
Andrew J. Rolfe, 31, Ripley: ice fishing in closed waters, $100 fine.
Derrick R. Sack, 33, Milo: unlawful sexual touching, dismissed; assault, $300 fine, 30 days in jail; and unlawful sexual contact, 30 days in jail.
Jeanne M. Sage Champion, 36, Lincoln: possession of marijuana, up to 1.25 oz., $350 fine; and use of drug paraphernalia, $300 fine.
Mark W. Sawyer, 29, Corinth: fishing without valid license, $100 fine.
Gerald P. Smith, 76, Dover-Foxcroft: loaded firearm or crossbow in vehicle, $200 fine.
Gloria A. Smith, 41, Milo: operating while license suspended or revoked, priors (two counts), $500 fine, all suspended and six months in jail (each); violating condition of release (two counts), six months in jail (each); theft by unauthorized taking or transfer (two counts), six months in jail (first), dismissed (second); theft by unauthorized use of property, priors, dismissed; misuse of identification, six months in jail; and refusing to sign criminal summons, dismissed.