Court news
DOVER-FOXCROFT — The following cases were heard under the Piscataquis Criminal Docket at the Piscataquis Judicial Center during February and March.
Danny Laskey, 64, Waterboro: violating fishing rule, $100 fine.
Graham A. Long, 45, Dover-Foxcroft: allowing minor to possess or consume liquor and endangering the welfare of a child, five months in jail (each); and furnishing liquor to a minor, $500 fine and five months in jail.
Edward Lufkin, 20, Kenduskeag: assault, $300 fine and 48 hours in jail.
Stanley M. Martin, 22, Hartland: assault, $400 fine; and criminal trespass, dismissed.
Aaron R. Mayer, 39, Fitchburg, Mass.: unattended lines, $100 fine.
Jacqueline R. McClure, 22, St. Albans: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $250 fine.
Jason R. McFarland, 30, Blue Hill: fishing without valid license, $100 fine.
Daniel W. McGarry, 56, Parkman: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $250 fine.
Tina Meng, 46, Athens: negotiating a worthless instrument, $100 fine and $231.10 restitution.
Michael R. Moore, 25, Lowell, Mass.: disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, refusing to submit to arrest or detention physical force and criminal trespass, $100 fine, all suspended (each); and criminal mischief, $100 fine.
Ryan Morrell, 23, Guilford: operating unregistered snowmobile, $200 fine.
Robert W. Morton, 66, Sangerville: assault, $300 fine.
Michael J. Nee, 55, Quincy, Mass.: loaded firearm or crossbow in motor vehicle, $200 fine.
Kristian T. Nelson, 25, Bangor: operating unregistered snowmobile, $200 fine.
Northeast Guide Service, LLC, Greenville: rule violation, compliance review (two counts), $624 fine (first), and $3,256 fine (second).
Christopher Nunan, 51, Kennebunk: unattended lines, $100 fine.
Gary W. Parker, 61, Hartland: operating unregistered snowmobile, $200 fine.
Nathan A. Pearl, 32, Milo: violating condition of release and operating while license suspended or revoked, prior, 30 days in jail (each).
Daniel A. Phillips, 30, Steuben: checking cusk lines, $100 fine.
Kevin L. Phillips, 25, Fairfield: operating unregistered snowmobile, $200 fine.
Kimberly J. Pollo, 39, Corinna: operating unregistered snowmobile, $200 fine.
William Poolman, 65, Pittston: operating snowmobile on plowed road, $100 fine.
Shane Priest, 30, Guilford: assault, $300 fine.
Roger L. Rideout, Jr., 34, Guilford: criminal mischief, $100 fine and $700 restitution.
Blake Andrew Roy, 28, Milo: operating while license suspended or revoked, prior (two counts), $500 fine (each), 10 days in jail (first), 15 days in jail (second); possession of marijuana, up to 1.25 oz., and domestic violence criminal threatening, dismissed (each); and assault, $300 fine, 15 days in jail.
Nelson R. Roy Jr., 35, Wellington: possessing fish in violation, $120 fine.
Terry S. Sawyer, 43, Sangerville: disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures and criminal threatening, five days in jail (each).
Lukas U. Schneider, 22, Sangerville: use of drug paraphernalia, $300 fine.
Joshua Scott, 38, Madison: operating under the influence, prior, (two counts) $900 fine, 12 days in jail, three years’ license suspension (first), dismissed (second); refusing to sign uniform summons complaint and theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, dismissed (each).
Rusty P. Simoneau, 45, Lunenburg, Mass.: fishing violation of number, amount, weight or size, $200 fine.
Scott W. Smart, 67, Brownville: hunting or possessing antlerless deer, $1,000 fine, three days in jail; and placing bait to entice deer, $200 fine, all suspended.
Jason L. Smith, 44, Monson: failing to notify of harvest operation, $50 fine.
Scott L. Smith, 45, Greenville: rule violation, $100 fine.
Tyler Stewart, 20, Dover-Foxcroft: probation violation, 48 hours in jail, probation partially revoked, probation continued.
Matthew Stone, 19, Guilford: operating unregistered snowmobile, $200 fine.
Cody Thayer, 20, Kenduskeag: failing to visit traps in unorganized town, $100 fine.
Michael Thibodeau, 42, Hampden: aggravated assault and kidnapping, dismissed (each); and assault, six months in jail.
Nathan K. Thornley, 29, Guilford: OUI, prior, not guilty; and violating condition of release, $200 fine and 24 hours in jail.
Patrick M. Tucker, 22, Dover-Foxcroft: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer and failing to appear in court on criminal summons, 48 hours in jail (each), and $28.32 restitution (first).
Alexandra Turner-Bragan, 22, Monson: driving to endanger, $575 fine and 30-day license suspension.
Amy J. Valli, 33, Milo: violating condition of release, 48 hours in jail.
Travis Walauski, 25, Swanville: violating protective order, $200 fine.
James R. Watson, 23, Sangerville: exceeding bag limit on deer, $1,000 fine, three days in jail; and hunting from stand or blind overlooking deer bait, (two counts) $200 fine (each), $200 fine suspended (first).
Michael J. Weston, 38, Milo: violating condition of release, domestic violence terrorizing, and violating protective order, 30 days in jail, all suspended (each).
Christopher G. White, 52, West Bath: operating unregistered snowmobile, $200 fine.
David White, 25, Guilford: OUI, $500 fine and 90-day license suspension.
Michelle M. Whitten, 43, Brownville: operating vehicle without license, dismissed.
Jennifer J. Willey, 47, Dover-Foxcroft: harassment, dismissed.
Phillip C. Williams, Jr., 27, Milo: operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine.
Jerald Witham, 52, Brownville: loaded firearm or crossbow in motor vehicle, $150 fine.
Rachael D. Wood, 21, Lagrange: minor transporting liquor, $100 fine and 30-day license suspension.
Nicole G. Worster, 21, Guilford: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer and violating condition of release, dismissed (each).