
Letters to the Editor

Veteran recognition appreciated

To the Editor:
    I recently received an invitation from the Chadbourne-Merrill post of the American Legion to attend a dinner put on by the members. I accepted thinking I would be asked to join after meeting some of the members. Much to my surprise we were there to be “welcomed home” as Vietnam Era and Korean War veterans. A certificate of recognition and commemorative coin were presented to veterans and Gold Star Mothers.

    I was very impressed by the professional manner in which the ceremony was conducted. I am proud and thankful for the recognition.
    A special thank you to the members for a great meal and for taking the time away from your families to make this happen.

Grover Kilpatrick


Thanks for Grange honor

To the Editor:
    I would like to express my sincere thanks to the members of Valley Grange No. 144 in Guilford. On May 16, they presented me with the Community Citizen Award. I am  honored to receive this recognition from an organization that does so much for our community and our school. Grange members truly demonstrate the power of volunteerism.

Julie Orton

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