
‘The rest of the story’

To the Editor;
    I would like to explain the complete details regarding the race for Senate District 4 in the June Republican Primary between Rep. Paul Davis and Sen. Doug Thomas; or as Paul Harvey used to say “and now the rest of the story”.

    Last summer Doug Thomas expressed to myself and others at a gathering that he would not be a candidate for this Senate seat and, in fact, had asked Rep. Paul Davis to run for the seat, as he, Doug Thomas needed to spend more time on his firewood business and make a living. Rep. Davis announced to family, friends and other Republicans that he would be running for the Senate seat in District 4 and he committed himself to the race.
    Later this past fall Doug Thomas informed Paul Davis that he had changed his mind and would be running for this Senate seat; and this is why we have a primary race between two Republican candidates. Sen. Thomas has also flip-flopped and changed his mind on the East-West Highway issue, depending which day of the week it is or to whom he is speaking.
    My family and I will be voting for Paul Davis In the District 4 Senate Primary on June 10th.
Gail E. Lynch

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