Letters to the Editor
Good legislation needs no credit
To the Editor:
It is said that on Ronald Reagan’s desk in the Oval Office there was a small plaque with these words inscribed, “There is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he does not mind who gets the credit.” I have tried to serve the people of Maine with this message at heart. Recently, I was able to put that principle into action.
Milfoil is a water plant that grows aggressively and will spread until it chokes out a body of water, rendering it useless. Thirteen years ago, there was no milfoil in Maine, but New Hampshire’s waters were infected with it. To combat this threat, the State launched an educational program, put up warning signs at boat landings, and hired two game wardens to enforce milfoil laws. A $10 milfoil sticker was enacted for boat registration to fund this program. The funds from this sticker were allotted in two parts: 60 percent to DEP for education and warning signs, with the remaining 40 percent to the IF&W to fund the wardens.
Now, thirteen years later, milfoil has invaded 29 of our lakes and streams in Maine and is spreading rapidly. It has spread to the Belgrade Lakes. The Belgrade Lakes region is a mere 60 miles from Wassookeag Lake in Dexter.
Think of the devastation to central Maine if milfoil should gain a foothold in Wassookeag, then spread to Sebec. It would spread north to Moosehead and Schoodic. The thought of this happening is very unacceptable to me.
Rep. Mike McClellan (R-Standish) proposed a bill — LD1626 — which would have increased boat registrations by $7 for residents and $35 for non-residents. Knowing the Governor’s strong stance against any tax increases on the people of Maine, I arranged for the committee to meet with the Governor.
While the Governor agreed that milfoil is a huge problem, he would not accept a fee increase. He promised to veto the bill. There had to be a better solution to this dire problem than gridlock.
There is a constitutional amendment that mandates all funds from the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife must be used for the IF&W. As a consequence, the IF&W often times has “carry over” monies into the next fiscal year.
It was proposed that we change the existing milfoil allotment from 60/40 to 80/20, with the stipulation that the monies be used solely for milfoil eradication by the DEP.
The money is to be used to help private groups eradicate milfoil from lakes and streams. The committee was also made aware of the tireless work private landowner groups have been doing to combat this issue on their own, hiring divers and equipment to pull the vegetation from lake beds.
This negotiation met with the Governor’s approval. To strengthen the chances of passage, I asked the Democrat chair of our committee to sponsor the bill. As a result, the bill passed unanimously and is on its way to the Governor’s desk for his signature.
This bill will not solve the milfoil problem but it will greatly help.
My friends in central Maine: that is how to accomplish things in Augusta. There is no limit to where we can go if we don’t care who gets the credit.
I am pleased we were able to get this done without adding another fee increase for Maine’s already overtaxed people to have to pay.
Rep. Paul Davis