
Proud to work on behalf of Maine

By U.S. Sen. Susan Collins

    The New Year is always a good time to look back at the challenges that we have met, and to look forward with hope to those that lie ahead. It continues to be a privilege to represent Maine in the U.S. Senate. Public service is a responsibility that I take seriously. I am proud of my record of bipartisan accomplishments on behalf of the people of Maine, and I will continue to work hard to make a difference for Mainers every day.

    Promoting good policies that encourage the creation of more jobs remains my top priority for the year ahead. I have developed a Seven Point Plan for Jobs in Maine, which includes proposals to spur small business investment, ensure robust workforce education and training, reduce regulatory red tape that stifles job creation, support Maine agriculture and manufacturing, and invest in the infrastructure needed to expand our economy.
    Traditional industries and small businesses remain the backbone of Maine’s economy, and innovation will be important for future jobs as well. I have supported Maine’s effort to lead the world in deepwater wind technology and was proud when the University of Maine and its private sector partners launched the first prototype this year. This emerging industry has the potential to create thousands of good jobs here in Maine.
    Bath Iron Works is a major Maine employer and is critical to our national security.
    As a senior member of the Senate Defense Appropriations Committee, I have worked hard to support the Navy’s request for a 10th DDG-51, to be built at BIW, and to continue construction on the DDG-1000s at the shipyard. This year’s annual defense policy bill also contains more than 30 provisions to address the crisis of sexual assault in our military, including several provisions that I authored.
    Partisan divisiveness in Washington too often prevents us from addressing some of our nation’s most serious challenges. Gridlock reached a peak in October with the federal government shutdown that pushed our country to the brink of defaulting on its financial obligations and damaged our economy. As the shutdown continued with no end in sight, I presented a proposal I believed both sides could support.
    Within days, I was leading a bipartisan coalition of 14 senators who worked night and day to craft a plan to reopen government, avert default, and restart negotiations on a long-term plan to deal with our nation’s unsustainable debt of more than $17 trillion. Known as the “Common Sense Coalition,” we will continue to work in the months ahead to develop solutions and bridge the partisan divide because I know that’s what Mainers expect.
    Earlier this year, across-the-board federal spending cuts known as “sequestration” took effect.
    These indiscriminate cuts jeopardized priorities from national security to bio-medical research and stand in stark contrast to the thoughtful and thoroughly debated spending priorities set at town meetings throughout our state. To bring some Maine common sense to this process, I authored bipartisan legislation to allow federal agencies to set priorities in administering the required cuts and wrote a new law to ensure that sequestration would not disrupt air travel, which plays such an important role in fueling Maine’s tourism economy.
    I have also enjoyed my work as the ranking member of the Senate Special Committee on Aging where, with Sen. Bill Nelson of Florida, we work on issues of critical importance to Maine seniors. The committee has created a toll free hotline (1-855-303-9470) to make it easier for senior citizens to report fraud and scams and to receive assistance. I also serve as the Senate Co-Chair of the Task Force on Alzheimer’s, a devastating disease that takes a tremendous personal and economic toll on more than five million Americans. Better treatment for Alzheimer’s and ultimately finding a cure should be an urgent national priority.
    Finally, I’ve worked to reflect our famous Maine work ethic by completing another year of service without missing a single roll call vote. I have not missed a vote since I was elected — a streak that now stands at more than 5,300 in a row.
    I remain committed to doing all that I can to address your concerns in 2014. If I may be of assistance to you in any way, I encourage you to contact my Constituent Service Center in your area, or visit my website www.collins.senate.gov.
    Working hard on behalf of the people of Maine is a great honor. And I believe that, working together, we can replace the current frustration with the optimism that is the true American spirit.

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